June 2014 eNewsletter: The Father Who Dwells In Me
In this Father's Day edition of the LLBN eNewsletter, we would like to introduce a proud father of four kids, and the son of a man who loved and raised many children:
Derrell Mundall,
Vice President of Production & Programming for LLBN and the Senior Vice President of LLBN Latino
It was 1968 in Sedona Arizona when Dr. Mundall adopted one more unwanted child, one who he delivered. After the delivery he went home and told his wife, Evelyn, "when you see this baby, you will want him." That baby was Derrell, the number ten of seventeen.
Growing up in Belize where his family moved, Derrell was a challenge as a child. His mom taught him to read at age four and he read voraciously, played hard, broke many bones, had to be stitched up many times, but his appetite for learning, the influence of his parents, and his love for people grew into a lifelong desire to learn and share. Learn more about Derrell and his missionary family on this video.
Dr. Raymond Mundall raised Derrell and his many siblings to know how to overhaul an engine, change out brakes, replace a transmission and take care of most mechanical or engineering issues that might come up. By age 14 Derrell had also assisted in many medical procedures at the clinic and was comfortable in the operating room. But the most important thing his dad taught him was the value of a human life: a soul.
Today Derrell Mundall works full time at Loma Linda University Medical Center, but volunteers his evenings and weekends at LLBN, except when he is spending time with his kids, Hayley, Jesse, Justin and Noah. Each day he tries to make sure the lessons of his dad and the values he grew up with are passed on to his kids. The overarching value of them all is the worth of a human soul. Every person, no matter what their circumstance, needs to learn how to live a happy life on earth and be provided the knowledge and tools to do so. Each person's soul was also worth the life of Jesus.
Father's Day means the world to Derrell as he focuses on the four kids who are the center of his universe; as he remembers the father who took him in, loved him, and raised him; and as he remembers the Father who loves us all as his children.
Happy Father's Day!
May 2014 eNewsletter: Blessed Is She...
Irene Fargo
In this Father's Day edition of the LLBN eNewsletter, we would like to introduce a proud father of four kids, and the son of a man who loved and raised many children:
Derrell Mundall,
Vice President of Production & Programming for LLBN and the Senior Vice President of LLBN Latino
Dr. Raymond
Mundall, a medical doctor who graduated from Loma Linda University, also a mechanic
and a civil engineer at heart, a missionary and founder of schools and medical
institutions, is the father of seventeen kids, ten of them adopted, including
It was 1968 in Sedona Arizona when Dr. Mundall adopted one more unwanted child, one who he delivered. After the delivery he went home and told his wife, Evelyn, "when you see this baby, you will want him." That baby was Derrell, the number ten of seventeen.
Growing up in Belize where his family moved, Derrell was a challenge as a child. His mom taught him to read at age four and he read voraciously, played hard, broke many bones, had to be stitched up many times, but his appetite for learning, the influence of his parents, and his love for people grew into a lifelong desire to learn and share. Learn more about Derrell and his missionary family on this video.
Dr. Raymond Mundall raised Derrell and his many siblings to know how to overhaul an engine, change out brakes, replace a transmission and take care of most mechanical or engineering issues that might come up. By age 14 Derrell had also assisted in many medical procedures at the clinic and was comfortable in the operating room. But the most important thing his dad taught him was the value of a human life: a soul.
Today Derrell Mundall works full time at Loma Linda University Medical Center, but volunteers his evenings and weekends at LLBN, except when he is spending time with his kids, Hayley, Jesse, Justin and Noah. Each day he tries to make sure the lessons of his dad and the values he grew up with are passed on to his kids. The overarching value of them all is the worth of a human soul. Every person, no matter what their circumstance, needs to learn how to live a happy life on earth and be provided the knowledge and tools to do so. Each person's soul was also worth the life of Jesus.
Father's Day means the world to Derrell as he focuses on the four kids who are the center of his universe; as he remembers the father who took him in, loved him, and raised him; and as he remembers the Father who loves us all as his children.
Happy Father's Day!
May 2014 eNewsletter: Blessed Is She...
Irene Fargo
On the honor roll of mothers serving LLBN ministry, Irene Fargo distinguishes herself by a beautiful story of faith and commitment.
She was born and raised in Iraq, where she studied in the Adventist school in Baghdad. Her love for the Lord since an early age determined her to walk in His footsteps, although she wasn’t able to become a church member. She graduated high school and then studied agriculture which landed her a job in a soil analysis laboratory where she worked for six years. During those years her faith continued to be manifested in returning tithe and offerings although she could not attend church. A young man by the name of Wisam Fargo saw this and was impressed by Irene. For this reason he asked for her hand in marriage and they soon started a family together.
Says Irene, “We got married and our desire was to have children. The Lord blessed us with three boys”. Bashar was their first blessing, after a year and four months came the second blessing, Bassam. Three years passed, then came their third blessing, Nabeel. “I prayed for my sons since the first day I knew I was pregnant, asking the good Lord to help them walk in His way," says Irene. Wisam’s family was well off, yet still she reminded her children that everything in this world will pass away except the word of the Lord which stays forever.
Sharing memories of that time, Irene says, “We had a daily family prayer. In Baghdad we witnessed very difficult times and wars, but we always prayed, depending on our mighty God, putting our weak hands in His mighty hands and He never disappointed us”.

"In Baghdad we have a beautiful and active church. There I worked as a volunteer, since I was married till we left Iraq," remembers Irene. The use of the present tense shows how much of herself is still part of that ministry. Unfortunately, in the US the language barrier prevented her from doing a lot from the start, a fact that left a large gap in her heart. But God knew their desire and provided ways for them to be used in His plan, to present His message to those in need.
In California they met with many friends and loved ones, among them some who also studied in the Adventist school in Baghdad. Through Mr. Ganim Hanna who visited them, they learned about the LLBN Arabic channel and the opportunity to join in. An idea came to Irene's mind: to present stories of Biblical characters. She went to the Adventist bookstore and bought all the books related to the stories she had in mind. Her husband Wisam teamed up, helping prepare and organize the necessary materials. When everything was ready, the series was recorded and began broadcasting. Ever since then, Irene and her husband Wisam joined in on other programs and became a supporting, ongoing presence on the LLBN Arabic network. "I am very thankful to the Lord for providing us with a new opportunity for service where we can present His precious word to many souls that are in great need of it," concludes Irene. Knowing how important the support of God's family is, she asks for your prayers. May you be inspired as you pray for this family and the ministry of LLBN.
April 2014 eNewsletter: Christ is Risen!
Fain & Noor Nahab

Fain has been a volunteer at LLBN as an Associate Director since the birth of the Arabic Network.
Noor has volunteered at LLBN since her elementary school days alongside her family, who are founders of the organization. Noor currently volunteers her time as Director for the “Good News of Peace” live Arabic church service on Friday nights.
Since their marriage in 2009, Fain and Noor have worked together in this ministry on the production crew in various areas, ranging from director, camera operator, and floor manager to helping with lighting and video operations. They have dedicated their time to the production of many programs on the LLBN Arabic Network.
When asked why they help LLBN Arabic, Fain and Noor summarized their collective responses in the following statement: “We help LLBN because we believe that LLBN is spreading the gospel to areas all over the world, and we hope that many more people will help take part by volunteering. We are proud of the growth LLBN has taken on over the past several years and have enjoyed our experiences there. LLBN is primarily a volunteer run organization, so we ask that if anyone has time that they are willing to devote, please stop by LLBN and fill out an application to volunteer!”
February 2014 eNewsletter For God So Loved the World
You know them as hosts every week. They present and interview guests, ask questions and dig deep to bring up truths, offer meaningful thoughts, and in the process reveal surprising realities of life and God’s love. They look good; they have the right words and charming personalities! You know them as the top leaders of LLBN, yet (forgive me for saying this) most of you see them more like the pictures on the cover page of a magazine.
Here are the behind-the-scenes facts and the reality:
Ganim Hanna is a very busy person. He has so many meetings, emails, phone calls, emergencies to respond to, and decisions to make! He deals with priorities and deadlines continuously. He lives in the fast lane and we can barely catch him in the hallway to ask questions, to seek quick solutions, and, in the process, usually add to his pile of problems. However, no matter how busy he is, Ganim always brings to the table his sense of humor, funny remarks, laughter, and a contagious twist of positivity in the midst of adversity.
We have been lucky to closely observe him and experience his friendship over the years. In fact, no matter how busy he is, he always takes the time to let us know he cares for us and appreciates each one. This attention includes all those in his proximity, from his family and friends, to a LLBN volunteer or a visitor. He demonstrates his leadership, and knows how to be in charge. As a true servant of God, he cares deeply for people, not only taking time to listen, but also makes it personal in order to find the right solution. Delegating the right people to address the ministry’s projects is one part of his many leadership attributes. However, he is also a hands-on person, involved in every aspect and at all levels of this ministry, as a volunteer.
Not many people know that, apart from producing, directing, handling equipment, and many other network tasks, Ganim has spent nights and weekends to envision LLBN’s new websites, from their conception to the final outcome. He created pages, tried out alternatives, made important decisions, and pushed the limits to make it all happen.
But he did not do all this alone.
Hannah Luttrell assisted Ganim in this process. She became an integral part and took over in filling in the details and content; she polished, solved problems, supervised delegated work (see more detail below), and eventually completed the project.
Now the truth about Hannah… Despite her young age, and behind her youthful look, slim silhouette, and easygoing demeanor, there is a mature and wise person. When you are talking to her, everything becomes clear and simple, something like, “Why didn’t I think of that?” or “It’s now so obvious!” Her sensitivity for others is surprisingly integrated and essentially characteristic of her authority, which makes her a remarkable, strategic, and strong leader. She dedicates energy, time, and thought to her relationship with God, and redirects the attention back to Him. When I first met her, she was a soon-to-be pastor’s wife, with great courage and conviction, respectful, but confident and assertive in her position. In the many years since then, she has proven to be that projected leader. Her status includes being a church elder, a recognized Woman-of-Distinction, a LLBN valuable communicator and corporate VP, as well as LLBN’s Chinese network leader, also as a volunteer.
In conjunction with LLBN’s new website development, we also need to mention Jennifer Rowlett and Carla Kun Chen Tudorance, who, last year, worked under Hannah’s direct supervision for this and other LLBN projects.
Contributed by Lili O'Ara, Linda Crawford, and Duane Fike

With summer coming up soon, we hope and pray to have more interns like her!
As Jennifer prepares to graduate and start her professional career, we wish her all the best and God's guidance in all her undertakings.
Carla Kun Chen Tudorance assists LLBN Chinese as a producer and communications manager. Her broadcasting background and educational background in education, theology and counseling, as well as her cultural background and bilingual fluency in Chinese and English, make her a valuable asset particularly with the LLBN Chinese network.
Carla’s duties include expanding the network's distribution, promoting the network in the community and increasing its donor base, maintaining close ties with donors and other stakeholders, as well as producing/hosting a healthy family bonds program within the Chinese community.
July 2013 eNewsletter Shining Ever Brighter
Michael Velitis
Michael Velitis is an indispensable
member of our LLBN volunteer staff. Every Tuesday, Michael drives to Orange
County for work at a non-alcoholic beverage company. Once off work, he drives
straight to Loma Linda to volunteer as a cameraman for LLBN’s live television broadcast of Christian Connections.
After two hours of rigorous camera work, Michael then drives another 45 minutes to an hour back home to be with his wife and daughter. In addition to the time he contributes with LLBN, Michael is also an active volunteer with his church's Family Ministries and the Adventurers Club. Michael’s passion for serving
Christ and his community is an inspiration to us all at LLBN.
Michael first heard about LLBN through
his mother-in-law’s church bulletin. Reading about an open house event, he
decided to attend. It has been seven years since Michael first stepped into the LLBN studio,
and he has been a faithful volunteer ever since. A graduate of California State
University of San Bernardino, Michael spent many years doing camera and
computer graphic work for City TV in Thousand Oaks, making him very qualified
as a live cameraman with LLBN. Viewers may not see Michael on their television
screens, but he lends an additional professional flair to all television broadcasts that he is a part of. Thank you, Michael Velitis, for your hard work and dedication to LLBN!
* Our summer intern, Jennifer Rowlett, contributed this article.
March 2013 eNewsletter The Power of His Resurrection
Mephiboset Herrera
Born and raised in Mexico, Mephiboset (Mephi) Herrera has an ample background in music. He started with piano lessons as a child, then singing in the church. He received a B.Mus.Ed. with a voice major from University of Montemorelos and a M.Mus. in conducting from California Baptist University.
His music leadership experience includes serving as minister of music in two Filipino Seventh-day Adventist churches in Glendale and Loma Linda, California, and as assistant conductor for the Riverside Lyric Opera. He has also served as a clinician/ conductor in several small projects for schools and churches. He stays current as an active member of the National Association of Church Musicians, has taken classes in worship and attended several conferences in Music and Worship at Andrews University.
His education and experience also include a technical degree in Accounting, training in CISCO Computer Networks (CCNA), and a vast practical experience in computers, data center, projection software and studio recording.
You and I would think that it is enough education! Not Mephi!!!
A certification offered by LLBN around 2007 caught his interest and brought him aboard.
"I joined the LLBN family as a Student" he recalls. "I started with camera, then I was given audio training and CG (Computer Graphics). I also received training in programming and lined myself for training in IPTV (Internet Protocol television). Then I was asked if I could direct. I have received a couple of training sessions in VO as well (Video Operator). There is much, much to learn. For this reason I believe I am a permanent LLBN student! All I know is that I am a hand to help and am all eyes and ears to learn."
It is remarkable how Mephi handled all the resources made available in his life and directed his professional career path and personal life to serving God and others.
As a missionary for Adventist Volunteer Service, he taught music and computer classes in Palau, Micronesia and set up the computer department at the Adventist International Institute for Advanced Studies (AIIAS) in the Philippines.
While in Micronesia, he met and married Gladden Tumangday, a missionary medical doctor and pianist. Their musical family is blessed with two daughters.
Praises to God for Mephi and his family! With their skills and talents, they continue the missionary work inspiring others with passion, commitment, and love.
February 2013 eNewsletter Love Holds Everything Together
Ray and Wilda Craig
Ray and Wilda Craig have been volunteers here at LLBN for many, many years.
As facility manager, Ray made everything run smoothly, and ensured the functionality, efficiency, and maintenance of the studio in its day-to-day activities. Wilda Craig has always been a strong support for her husband, participating alongside him in other LLBN activities where she could. Ray also loved to do camera and was participating in many recording sessions, until it got too tiring for him to stand.
A beautiful and heartwarming love story also unfolds in this couple's life, who have been married for over 70 years. Shortly after their marriage, the young bride and groom were separated, with Ray stationed at Pearl Harbor right before the attacks. God in His mercy guarded Ray's life and protected Wilda at home. They always express their love and gratitude to Him not only by words, but by their life of service.
Now in their 90's, both Ray and Wilda are still actively involved in some LLBN activities. They come as reliable on-call volunteers and help stuff the monthly mail. When you hold the envelope from LLBN, the acknowledgment of your donation, or the printed schedule in your hand, keep in mind this lovely couple and their self-sacrificing spirit, and be inspired!
As facility manager, Ray made everything run smoothly, and ensured the functionality, efficiency, and maintenance of the studio in its day-to-day activities. Wilda Craig has always been a strong support for her husband, participating alongside him in other LLBN activities where she could. Ray also loved to do camera and was participating in many recording sessions, until it got too tiring for him to stand.
A beautiful and heartwarming love story also unfolds in this couple's life, who have been married for over 70 years. Shortly after their marriage, the young bride and groom were separated, with Ray stationed at Pearl Harbor right before the attacks. God in His mercy guarded Ray's life and protected Wilda at home. They always express their love and gratitude to Him not only by words, but by their life of service.
Now in their 90's, both Ray and Wilda are still actively involved in some LLBN activities. They come as reliable on-call volunteers and help stuff the monthly mail. When you hold the envelope from LLBN, the acknowledgment of your donation, or the printed schedule in your hand, keep in mind this lovely couple and their self-sacrificing spirit, and be inspired!
Wilmer and Doreen Radke
Wilmer and Doreen Radke decided that traveling from Washington state to Southern California shouldn't be only for their personal purposes, but also to glorify God with their service. With a practical mindset, Wilmer made possible not only a meaningful introduction meeting with the LLBN HR and Social Media manager, but also continues daily activities remotely, via the Internet.
A graduate of Walla Walla College School of Engineering, Wilmer transcended engineer positions at Puget Sound Naval Shipyard ranging from design work for shipboard power distribution systems, development of specialized elevator control systems, computer administration of the Acoustic Analysis Branch, to computer administration for the Nuclear Engineering Department, a position held until his retirement.
A graduate of Walla Walla College School of Engineering, Wilmer transcended engineer positions at Puget Sound Naval Shipyard ranging from design work for shipboard power distribution systems, development of specialized elevator control systems, computer administration of the Acoustic Analysis Branch, to computer administration for the Nuclear Engineering Department, a position held until his retirement.
Alongside his career path, he devoted time to serve in a number of church-related capacities, including deacon, elder, first elder, school board chairman, a building committee chairman, in addition to establishing his Church’s web page.
Doreen and Wilmer crafted their experience as family raising their children in the spirit of service and responsibility. Along the way they expanded their own knowledge and service. Says Wilmer, "We believe the Internet can serve a valuable purpose of providing a vehicle for “telecommuting.” While Doreen spends time conducting her business via the Internet, Wilmer is also on the computer tending LLBN's social media. It is inspiring how this family, husband and wife, parents, children, and grandchildren sustain each other!
"I am happy to be able to support LLBN... Although I do not use Facebook at a personal level, I see that it is very good communication medium for organizations such as LLBN, and I am happy I am able to provide assistance in this area", declares Wilmer. "My prior work tended to be project oriented. A project's needs would be developed and analyzed then a solution would be formulated to respond to those needs. In a volunteer position one needs to take the approach that the important thing is to take on what ever task is assigned and then execute that task to the best of one's ability. In my case working with Facebook was quite foreign to my prior experience. However, since that is where the need was, my job was to become familiar with Facebook technology and culture then apply that information to the best of my ability."
What a great approach! Wilmer and Doreen are truly examples for the rest of us LLBN volunteers to emulate.
December 2012 eNewsletter For Unto Us A Child Is Born
LLBN Latino - Volunteer Profiles:
Pablo Gonzalez
Pablo Gonzalez is currently pursuing his PhD in Biochemistry at Loma Linda. He is originally from Puerto Rico, where he was active in his local church and evangelistic campaigns. When he came to Loma Linda, he took over the spiritual leadership of the ALSAD group, a Latino group that originally operated under the Loma Linda University Church. His vision and leadership over the last several years has been instrumental in expanding ALSAD’s community outreach in southern California.
Sept / Oct 2012 eNewsletter To My Father's Glory
Volunteer Highlight: Matthew Hanna
It's Friday, late afternoon. While a crazy world jams the freeways and roads hurrying to the comfort of their homes or an entertainment hotspot, at the LLBN Studio a young man is getting ready for the usual live broadcasting of LLBN Arabic Church Program. Ahead of almost everybody else, he checks every piece of equipment, makes sure every position is filled and every task is covered. This soft-spoken, casually-dressed man exudes leadership, authority, and extraordinary command. Who is this smiling, courteous and helpful young man?
![]() |
Volunteer Matthew Hanna at work in the LLBN Studio |
has been a volunteer at Loma Linda Broadcasting Network since he was
old enough to use a camera. He has dedicated over 15 years of hard work
and service hours for the network. He has served on the production crew
in various levels: ranging from director, lighting, video operations,
camera operator, technician, set construction, floor manager, and more.
the last two years, Matthew has dedicated every Friday night to help
with the production of the LLBN Arabic Church Program. You may not see
him on the TV screen, but Matthew's passion is shining through from
behind the scenes! Says
Matthew, "I still have a lot to learn about the Bible. By volunteering
at LLBN, I get to learn from those who do know more than me, and I also
get to help them share it with even more people!"
Prepared by Nora Nahab & Lili O'Ara
Volunteer Highlight: Sterling Peter
you ever wondered how beautiful images and clear messages are
transmitted from a small studio in Loma Linda to be watched anywhere in
the world? We've got used to the benefits of technology and we take them
for granted. However, here are two considerations: there is of course a miraculous High Power in place that makes all possible, and there
are also people behind the technical equipment and gadgets. In this
context, we introduce to you Sterling Peter, Senior Engineer at LLBN.

exactly does he do? With a bachelors degree (BSEE) in electrical high
power and control systems from Caltech, Sterling designs and controls
the signal to go smoothly on the air 24/7, balances the colors and
controls the quality of the images, and verifies video and audio
signals. Everything that requires electrical and electronic power in the
studios, in the control rooms, and in the servers is personally checked
by Sterling. Besides his required presence at all live events where
technical issues may occur, his phone is a significant tool that enables
him to engage in the systems anytime, from anywhere, if needed. He
volunteers uncounted hours, more than 20 every week, including early
mornings, late evenings, and weekends.
Peter also volunteers as Director of the Arabic Channel, and while he
does not speak Arabic, he speaks the language that makes the signal
travel on the airways!
you have the beloved "Gathering Place" on your watching list? Sterling
is co-producer and director of that popular program. His attention to
detail in every area under his control results in the quality of the
transmission we all enjoy. He is happy to teach anyone willing to learn
and help the ministry, and many volunteers owe their technical knowledge
and skills to Sterling.
also uses his expertise in his full time job as Special Projects
Engineer at Loma Linda University Medical Center. Currently, he is also
enrolled at the University of Redlands in their MBA program. Sterling's
life is guided by the principles of the Creator and he constantly opens
his heart and mind to learn more and perfect his knowledge. Says Peter,
"It all started with the promise I made to my grandfather that I would
not just 'read' the Bible, but 'learn' the Bible. We have an awesome God
and it is our privilege to be able to serve Him!"
Aug 2012 enewsletter Jesus - The Champion
Volunteers for a Long Time *
From left: James Strachan, Evie Roach, Hal Curtis |
Volunteer Evie Roach began
working with LLBN in 1998, when the network had just begun and was
based in a small Sabbath school room in the Loma Linda University
Church. At that time, LLBN only aired a few hours of programming that
repeated all week via local cable and a big 8-ft satellite dish. She
first felt drawn to camera operation when she saw them being used at a
local vespers service and thought it looked like something she would
like to try. When she saw LLBN airing on TV, she called in to inquire
about volunteering. She was interviewed and taught how to operate a
camera, as she had no previous experience. She was the first female
volunteer camera person in the handful of volunteers that served LLBN at
the very beginning. She remembers how multiple programs would be shot
in the same Sabbath School room by filming on one side while setting up
the next segment on the other side and quickly turning the cameras
around to record each piece. LLBN was able to expand into a new studio
building in 2004 which was renovated with all volunteer labor.
Currently, Evie acts as floor manager for LLBN’s Arabic channel and is a
camera operator for Christian Connections. She also does make-up for
both programs and she is the trafficking manager for the archive
library, keeping the post production tapes organized. Evie feels that
LLBN is like a big family because everyone has the same goal of lifting
up viewers. She knows her efforts are worthwhile if even just one person
is touched for a few minutes.
Volunteer Hal Curtis originally
was part of the Audio/Visual crew at the Loma Linda University Church
before becoming a part of the fledgling LLBN network. He remembers how
cramped the studio arrangement in the Sabbath school room, with just
three cameras. Since then, he’s been a regular volunteer, assisting in
both the audio and camera operation departments for LLBN. He attended La
Sierra University and worked various jobs in broadcasting, including
radio. Being with LLBN for so long, he’s seen several miracles that have
convinced him of God’s involvement. People in the right place at the
right time have allowed the network to flourish. Also, donated equipment
has been a huge blessing that only God could have orchestrated. Hal’s
favorite part of volunteering at LLBN is helping to spread the gospel.
He says only three things would make him stop serving: death, Jesus’
second coming, or the end of LLBN.
Volunteer James Strachan has
been with LLBN so long, he can’t even remember when he started! He is
truly a marvel--at 84 years old, he is still ready to climb up on
rooftops and install satellite dishes. He also assisted in renovating
the LLBN studio in 2004. Besides being a handyman, he operates a camera
on set as well. He was involved in camera operation at the Loma Linda
University Church vespers before volunteering at LLBN. He had worked
with LLBN President/CEO Ganim Hanna prior to becoming a regular
volunteer for the network. He remembers when LLBN only reached the
medical center, before branching out to local cable and satellite. When
asked how long he thought he’d continue serving, he said he will take a
test to renew his license when he turns 85, and if he doesn’t pass it,
he will ride his bike to the station from his house 5 miles away.
Are you interested in volunteering? Wherever you may be, there's always something you can do! Send us an email at volunteer@llbn.tv or call us at 1-866-552-6881.
* Georgia Standish is the author of the article and provided the information from live interviews of the volunteers
June/July 2012 eNewsletter ARISE, SHINE...
Karen Martell is LLBN's Prayer Ministry Coordinator. She has been dedicating her time and efforts to respond to each prayer request that was and is addressed to LLBN. For now, she is ready to take another step, to expand this ministry on social media reaching the ones in need with messages of hope, encouragement and inspiration. Her ministry at LLBN is an important part of her whole prayer ministry.
Her passion is to lead individuals to Christ through the ministry of prayer. As a presenter in seminars and workshops she shares what happens when one begins to seek a deeper relationship with Christ through prayer and the power of God’s Word. As an RN, she has applied these lessons in her workplace and in her ministry. She is a graduate of Pacific Union College and of Columbia Union College.
She has served in ministry with her husband, Pastor Lynn Martell, in evangelism and in church administration. She is the mother of three and enjoys spending time with their seven grandchildren.
Says Karen, "Working with Christ, to grow His Kingdom through a relationship of trust, is exciting! Lives are forever changed when we take time to discover what is in Jesus' heart. Then, take action and follow His ways. God's power is made available, and our prayers become powerful and effective when we work with Him".
Prayer has changed Karen's life. Will you join Karen in praying for LLBN and its viewers today?
May 2012 eNewsletter Alive With Christ!
Leonard D. White, an ordained minister, is a volunteer and the Production Manager for LLBN SA in Chennai, India. He graduated from Spicer College, Pune in 1997; and is currently the Pastor of the Arumbakkam SDA Church in Chennai. In 2008, he started a Tamil language television ministry – a program that is viewed in India, Singapore, Malaysia and the Middle East.
Leonard joined LLBN SA in 2010 and coordinates the production of programs in different languages from all across India. He has a team that is trained, very creative, innovative, and dedicated. Some of the volunteers are from his church, while others are from different Christian traditions and other religious backgrounds. In fact, two of the volunteers, an instructor in information technology and a restaurant manager, recently converted from Hinduism to Christianity and are eager to share the Good News with others.
LLBN SA is thankful for and appreciative of what Leonard and his team are doing to spread the Good News.
February/March 2012 eNewsletter Fresh Reasons for Praise

New team members – While outreach is the essence of our ministry, we firmly believe that inreach to our staff and volunteers is also crucial. We are grateful that retired pastor Don Vollmer has accepted the position of volunteer LLBN Chaplain, where he will be a source of spiritual support for the team in their work and daily lives. Don pastored and taught for 42 years in Southern California, Florida, North Carolina, and the Republic of Ireland, and is also a member of the Wedgwood Trio.
God has also sent Lili O'Ara Sararu our way to serve as our Volunteer Coordinator, where she will be recruiting new volunteers and increasing communications with our existing volunteer family. Born and raised in a communist country, Lili learned at an early age to trust God in any circumstance. With a degree in business, she projects a career path while caring for her sons and mother and helping her husband in business. Lili has also been playing an active role in LLBN’s social media marketing.
We are blessed to have them both.