Thursday, September 14, 2017

Loma Linda University Church - Study

Sabbath, September 16, 2017

LIVE: 10:30 am (PT)
Lesson: Living by the Spirit  - Calvin Thomsen

Musical Selection: O Lord Most Holy - César Franck
James Naibaho, vocal; Dorothy Wareham, piano

Special Feature: From the Operating Theater to the Matoke Fields
Heidi Spady, Luke Spady

Offertory: The Prayer - David Foster
Herschel Naibaho, vocal; Hezekiel Naibaho, piano

Postlude: Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee - Ludwig van Beethoven

Superintendent: Bev Krick
Piano: Dorothy Wareham

Rebroadcast Schedule:
Sunday 8:00 pm (PT)
Tuesday 12:00 pm (PT)
Thursday 4:00 am (PT)