Friday, September 1, 2017

Loma Linda University Church - Worship

Sabbath, August 26, 2017

LIVE:  1st service 9:00 am, 3rd service 11:45 am (PT)

Prelude: Jericho - Dan Marvin
Kristian Leukert, trumpet

Musical Praise: Through All of It - Colton Dixon 
Alessandra Sorace, vocal; Victoria Belliard, violin;
Nicholas Belliard, cello; Natalyn Rodriguez, piano

Musical Praise: Arise, My Love - Michael Card 
Kristian Leukert

Sermon: A Love Stronger Than Death - Randy Roberts

Song of Response: Were It Not For Grace - David Hamilton
Alessandra Sorace, vocal; Victoria Belliard, violin;
Nicholas Belliard, cello; Natalyn Rodriguez, piano

Postlude: Leaning on the Everlasting Arms - Dan Marvin

Pianist: Aimee Leukert

Rebroadcast Schedule:
Monday 11:00 am (PT)
Wednesday 3:00 am (PT) )
Friday 7:00 pm (PT)
Saturday 8:30 pm (PT)
#LLUC  #Worship #LLBNTV