Sabbath, May 26, 2012
LIVE 1st Service 9:00am - LLU Baccalaureate - Schools of Medicine and Pharmacy
2nd Service 11:30am (PDT) - LLU Baccalaureate - School of Dentistry
2nd Service 11:30am (PDT) - LLU Baccalaureate - School of Dentistry
Sermon: "Living the Good Life"
Anthony Campolo, PhD
Prelude: "Immortal, Invisible", arr. Gordon Schuster
Sanctuary Brass
Sanctuary Brass
Offertory: "Like a River Glorious", arr. Phil Norris
Sanctuary Brass
Sanctuary Brass
Musical Praise: "Nearer, Still Nearer", arr. Jeff Clark/Alex Matosian
Jeff Clark, guitar; Alex Matosian, piano
Recessional: "Marche Triumphal", Sigfrid Karg-Elert
Sanctuary Brass and Organ
Kimo Smith, organist
Sanctuary Brass and Organ
Kimo Smith, organist
Sunday 9:30 am, 7:30 pm (PDT)
Friday 9:00 am, 7:30pm (PDT)
Saturday 8:30 pm (PDT)