Friday, February 14, 2014

Loma Linda University Church - Study

Sabbath, February 15, 2014
LIVE: 10:30 am (PST)

LessonJesus and the Social Outcast - Burt Clark

Musical Selection: Know You By Heart - Dave Koz / Skip Ewing
Jake Tsai, Saxophone; Chis Tsai, keyboard

Special Feature: Love Alive - Maggie Cotton,
Caroline Boyd, Dorothy Brooks

Offertory: What Can Separate You? Babbie Mason
Sheila Hodgkin, vocal; Chris Tsai, keyboard

Superintendent: Sheila Hodgkin
Keyboard: Justin McAuliffe

Rebroadcast Schedule:
Monday 6:00 pm (PST)
Wednesday 2:00 am (PST)
Friday 10:00 am (PST)
Saturday 12:00 am (PST)