Sabbath, March 8, 2014
LIVE: 10:30 am (PST)
Musical Selection: Savior, Like a Shepherd Lead Us - William Bradbury
Casey Hoehn, SM '16, trumpet; Laurel Guthrie, SM '16, keyboard
Special Feature: The Ties That Bind - Mark Ranzinger, SM '89
Offertory: You Raise Me Up - Rolfe Lovland
Rekha Isaac, flute; George Isaac, SM '89, guitar
LIVE: 10:30 am (PST)
Lesson: Discipling the Nations - Jerald Whitehouse
Musical Selection: Savior, Like a Shepherd Lead Us - William Bradbury
Casey Hoehn, SM '16, trumpet; Laurel Guthrie, SM '16, keyboard
Special Feature: The Ties That Bind - Mark Ranzinger, SM '89
Offertory: You Raise Me Up - Rolfe Lovland
Rekha Isaac, flute; George Isaac, SM '89, guitar
Superintendent: Ed Krick, SM '61, Beverly Krick
Keyboard: Peter Seheult
Rebroadcast Schedule:
Keyboard: Peter Seheult
Rebroadcast Schedule:
Monday 6:00 pm (PST)