Sabbath, July 18, 2015
Prelude: Prelude in D Minor - J. S. Bach
Call to Worship: Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence - arr. R. M. Lijauco, Jr.
The Philipine Meistersingers
Offertory: Create In Me, God - Mary McDonald
The Philipine Meistersinger
Anthem: My Eternal King - Jane Marshall
The Philipine Meistersinger
Sermon: Which Jesus Will You Choose? - Roy Ice
Postlude: Come, Christians, Join to Sing - arr. Carolyn Hamlin (1st service)
Priere a Notre-Damme - Leon Boellmann (3rd Service)
Peter Seheult
The Philipine Meistersingers Conductor: Ramon M. Lijauco, Jr.
Organist: Kimo Smith
Rebroadcast Schedule:
Monday 11:00 am (PT)
Wednesday 3:00 am (PT)
Friday 7:00 pm (PT)