Sabbath, June 11, 2016
LIVE: 10:30 am (PT)
Lesson: Last Day Events - Dan Matthews
Musical Selection: Amazing Grace - arr. Lloyd Larson
Malik Mayne, piano
Malik Mayne, piano
Special Feature: Sight Restoration in Ethiopia - Larry Thomas
Offertory: Blessed Assurance - Fanny Crosby/arr. Malik Mayne
Malik Mayne, piano
Postlude: O, How He Loves You and Me - arr. Peter Seheult
Malik Mayne, piano
Postlude: O, How He Loves You and Me - arr. Peter Seheult
Superintendent: Hans & Lily Diehl
Keyboard: Peter Seheult
Rebroadcast Schedule:
Sunday 8:00 pm (PT)
Tuesday 12:00 pm (PT)
Thursday 4:00 am (PT)