Thursday, February 23, 2017

Loma Linda University Church - Study

Sabbath, February 25, 2017

LIVE: 10:30 am (PT)
Lesson:  The Holy Spirit and the Gifts of the Spirit - Manzoor Massey

Musical Selection: Oh Come, Little Children - J.A.P. Schultz
Raeka Catolico, Moses Pantig, Athier Pakpahan,
Billy LaTour, Rachel Javor, Gina Javor

Special Feature: One Day at a Time, Sweet Jesus: Shirley Gregg

Offertory: Nearer, Still Nearer - L. Morris
Raeka Catolico, Moses Pantig, Athier Pakpahan,
Billy LaTour, Rachel Javor, Gina Javor

Postlude: I Sing Praises - Mark Hayes

Superintendent: Richard and Genie Sample
Keyboardist:  Emerald Waworoendeng-Leung

Rebroadcast Schedule:
Sunday 8:00 pm (PT)
Tuesday 12:00 pm (PT)
Thursday 4:00 am (PT)