Friday, March 3, 2017

Loma Linda University Church - Study

Sabbath, March 4, 2017

LIVE: 10:30 am (PT)

Lesson: The Holy Spirit and the Church - Calvin Thomsen

Musical Selection: Dear Lord and Father - F.C. Maker; John Greenleaf Whittier
Eunice St. Martin, soprano; Lucille St. Martin, alto;
Monte Fleming, tenor; Wade St. Martin, bass

Special Feature: Mission Spotlight – Investments in Others Gery Friesen

Offertory: This Is My Father’s World - Franklin L. Sheppard; Maltbie D. Babcock

Postlude: Selected - Various

Superintendent: Richard and Genie Sample
Keyboardist:  Emerald Waworoendeng-Leung

Rebroadcast Schedule:
Sunday 8:00 pm (PT)
Tuesday 12:00 pm (PT)
Thursday 4:00 am (PT)