Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Loma Linda University Church - Study

Sabbath, October 5, 2013
LIVE: 10:30 am (PDT)

LessonThe Heavenly Sanctuary - Warren Johns

Special Feature: What Is Going on in Vietnam? - Ralph Watts and Royce Thompson

Offertory: In His Time - arr. Dorothy Matar-Wareham
Postlude: We Will Walk Through the Valley in Peace - arr. Dorothy Matar-Wareham

Superintendent: Lolita Campbell
Keyboard: Dorothy Matar-Wareham

Rebroadcast Schedule:
Monday 6:00 pm (PDT)
Tuesday 7:00 am (PDT)
Wednesday 2:00 am (PDT)
Friday 10:00 am (PDT)
Saturday 12:00 am (PDT)